Welcome to the Inner Year...

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3.1.

The Inner Year relates personal soul development to the festivals of the Christian Year and to the cycle of Nature. I work with an esoteric spiritual understanding of the festivals. Esoteric perspectives reveal the deeper universal mysteries of things.

Whether or not you are Christian in your beliefs and your practices, you will find personal and spiritual relevance, insight and possibility in these posts.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Inner Easter - Holy Saturday

Most of our Easter education gives little attention to Holy Saturday and the Descent into Hell.  Probably the Church fathers chose to neglect the harrowing of hell because it indicated the Christ forgave all sins and released souls from the eternal fires of hell.  Where is the supremacy of the Church, of the priesthood, if the Christ forgives all sins, not the Church and it's priests in whatever hierarchical power?
Where is your relationship to your inner redemption if it is freed from the punishment of the eternal threat of brimstone?  What if freedom is not a magic wand, a fairy godmother's beneficent gesture , but dependent, actually exalted, by a conscious descent into the darkest, fiercest, most excruciating self-examination and compassionate self-judgment you are capable of?  Yes, it is frightening and truly, a personal threshold but the result is a possibility of Inner Resurrection.
 How do you descend into Hell? and for what inner purpose? 
Is there inner resurrection without inner redemption? 
How do you go into your own inner hell?
Why go into your own inner hell?

Each of us finds freedom and joy when we willingly enter into our own inner hell and find our way out.  We bring with us all that we have struggled to meet and forgive in our own individuality.

Listen to the audio with self-compassion. Be strong in meeting the parts of your soul that feel served by the fires of self- judgment.

Please share with me and the other companions descending into hell consciously, what you learn and what you forgive.  Each of us needs support for the deed of self-compassion.

MP3 File

Tomorrow we face the mystery of joy, the mystery of inner resurrection.


  1. I had the most hellish night last night. Hardly slept and had horrible dreams. Facing some old and creepy stuff.

    Also facing the decline of my 18 year cat companion, Baby.

    Perfect timing.

    This Lent has been a lot about self forgiveness, so it's great to read your post.

  2. Thank you, Lynn, for your insight, guidance and support. This time of Easter, Lent, equinox,... has been particularly challenging as I've realized just how much work and clearing my inner field needs. I have pulled up long buried stones and hidden treasures. Your suggestion for Holy Saturday reached me as I was knee deep in the knowledge that I have been blind and deaf to the good intentions and humanness of others. This lack of awareness had made me critical and judgmental - sharp and pointy. As I forgive myself a tangible softening occurs. Suddenly the field is much larger and brighter and ready for spring planting.

  3. Thank you Lynn for your insight on Holy Saturday. I had quite a deep and "agonizing" meditation in Friday night. Now we move into yet a deeper darkness.
    I however, wonder about the concept of finding and forgiving my inner "sins". For me I wonder if the work is more about finding those parts of myself that I have *made* wrong, that I have demonized for the pain they have caused me in their desiring, or not been able to accept as part of myself, therefore condemning them to my inner hell. Is it in the forgiving, the releasing that peace can come?
