Welcome to the Inner Year...

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3.1.

The Inner Year relates personal soul development to the festivals of the Christian Year and to the cycle of Nature. I work with an esoteric spiritual understanding of the festivals. Esoteric perspectives reveal the deeper universal mysteries of things.

Whether or not you are Christian in your beliefs and your practices, you will find personal and spiritual relevance, insight and possibility in these posts.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lifting the Veils - Your Life From Birth to Seven

Answering Life’s Questions...

Life’s questions begin as feelings: Why do I have this feeling now? Why do I always feel this way? What happened then, that keeps me from feeling the way I want to feel now? How do I let go of old feelings? and so on.

The answers to most, if not all, of life’s questions live in self-knowledge. And self knowledge develops through an understanding of human biographical development in general and one’s own biography in particular.  All Inner Life Biography Programs guide you to the questions and answers that heal, liberate and empower all aspects of your life.

Inner Life Biography Programs guide and inspire you to see the details of your life story in the warm light of compassionate objectivity. In the details of your life stories, you find what you seek in your life’s mysterious unfolding.


“ Lynn Jericho's seminars are so very worthwhile. They are engaging, revealing, insightful, and deeply satisfying. Lynn brings great wisdom, humor and kindness as well as a gift for being present with the group and to the needs of individuals.
Working with Lynn has brought clarity of thinking, awareness of feeling and certainty in action to my life. I am grateful to Lynn for offering these seminars and look forward to her future offerings. ”

Lisa Boisvert MacKensie. Editor  of The Wonder of Childhood

Our young children need us - their parents, grandparents, teachers and caregivers -  to take a knowledge of child development and a sensitivity to their own special, unique needs and capacities and love them, teach them, nurture them, protect them and encourage them.

This is a very big responsibility on practical, emotional and spiritual levels. It is up to us to do everything we can to see the young child in front of us. Our heart, our intelligence, our intention, every part of our caring reaches out to our children.  We want to give them our very best.

Yet, we find ourselves feeling moments and levels of anxiety, resentment, annoyance, doubt, confusion and other uncomfortable feelings.  Why?

Most of the reasons behind our feelings come from our own childhoods. 

Lifting the Veils  Part One is an Inner Life Biography program that focuses on recollecting, revealing, and resolving our personal biographies from birth to age 7. This work allows the participants to lift the veils of their childhood memories and freely and clearly see the child in front of them. The wisdom of Lifting the Veils is found in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner and the picture of human development he presented and on which he based the Waldorf School curriculum.


You will ...
  • feel more comfortable and confident with your relationship with your child.
  • understand the nurturing and cultivating possibilities living in each theme.
  • have a clearer sense of the influence of the themes on your soul and your child’s soul.
  • resolve feelings and emotions in regard to your early childhood.
  • experience a calm and compassionate authority when meeting challenges in parenting, teaching, grandparenting.

Is this for YOU???

Do you want to make sense of your life? This course provides a safe, yet challenging, creative way to discover the life shaping energy of your memories. You will meet the stories that have shaped your feeling patterns, your relationship choices, your sense of worth, and your success in living your life.

Are you a mother? This course is invaluable to your parenting. It will give you a very clear sense of your relationship to how you mother and how you were mothered. You will get a deeper and freer understanding of the joys and difficulties of being a mother.

Are you an early childhood teacher? This is the course that was missing in your training. It will make a significant difference to your relationship to the children and to the Waldorf approach to early childhood.  You will have a better understanding of why you becaame a teacher, what you bring to your teaching, how you nurture yourself and how you can meet the challenges of your teaching.

Are you a grandmother?  Here’s your chance to see what shaped your mothering, understand it with compassion and evolve your relationship with your grandchildren.  The role of the grandmother is profound.  Many children  need the presence, love and deep connection with their grandmothers.

Are you thinking about having a child at sometime?  Well, I have designed this course for you.  Every part of your journey toward conception, gestation and early, most significant, mothering will be enriched and liberated by this course.

Do you want to resolve your feelings about your early years? This program will bring new understanding to the dramas and ideals of early childhood.  If you struggle with remembering your childhood, this program will be a compassionate process for you.

Course Description

Lifting the Veils Part One brings attention to the events, environments, and experiences of the first seven years our lives. The outcome is a freer, more relaxed relationship to needs of the children we nurture, teach, love, protect, care for in all ways as we guide their unfolding biographies.  Through recollecting our own early childhood we discover, understand and release the memories behind our doubts, our anxieties, our resentments,and  our confusions as parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers. We lift the biographical veils between our memories, our feelings, our loving intentions and the child’s unique needs and responses.

Each session offers insights about archetypal development and archetypal needs during those seven years and asks questions about your unique story.  This is done through conference calls, teleseminars.

The teleseminars are 60-90 minutes long.  There is a 20-30 minute presentation and then approximately an hour of interaction as each participant shares a few memories about the topic for the week.

One of the blessings of the group work appears in the way one participant’s memories inspire and trigger memories in all the other participants.  This process also nurtures a sense of self-compassion for and self-comprehension of your early childhood experiences, wounds, losses and gifts. A kind of inner freedom and inner love awaken to enrich and enhance your relationship to the small children in your life.  The program brings new light and warm and freedom to parenting, caring, teaching and revering the child who counts on you to guide and protect their innocent lives.

As far as I know, Lynn is one of the most experienced guides for anyone who want to do a deeper journey through their own biography.
Ann Stahl

adjunct faculty and mentor

Sunbridge Institute

Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Training


We meet via the internet or phone for 90 minutes.

There is a slide presentation on your desktop and you hear Lynn and each other on the computer via Skype or on your phone. Directions for connecting are sent in an email - it is simple. These sessions are recorded and can be downloaded for relistening.

We have personal conversations with partners from the course…

Everyone has a partner for  a 30-60+ minute conversation on the weekly topics. These are remarkable and deeply sacred conversations.  When each partner is working with the same set of archetypal questions, rich dialogue emerges to nurture and clarify the biographical insights of each.  This is awesome, thrilling and by far the most transformative aspect of the program.

We create personal binders...

Participants are encouraged to create their own binder to fill with the handouts and the selfwork for each session. The handouts include descriptions of the key elements found in our biographies and sets of questions for each topic.  Your binder contains all your biography work and your personal biographical reflections - in this case, the story of your first seven years. The binder gives you a place to continue your reflections beyond the frame of the program.

There is a personal conversation with Lynn...
During the course, you will schedule a 20 minute private conversation with Lynn on any personal question you have.

Here is a list of the biographical topics...

My Home - the veils around space, stability, and order

Health and Accidents - the veils around safety and well-being

Rhythms and Special Events
- the veils around the organization of time and the experience of special days, celebrations and gifts.

Intmacy and Closeness
- the veils around comforting and caring

Feelings and Moods - the veils around expressing and managing anger, fear, sadness and happiness

The Senses & Sensitivities
- the veils around soothing and stimulating the senses and the soul

Outdoors and Indoors
- the veils around connecting to and finding comfort in the environment.

Being Good and Being Bad
- the veils around behavior, reward, punishment and forgiveness.


Dates:     Sundays, July 17 - September 11
Time:     Noon - 1:30PM Eastern
              9AM - 10:30AM Pacific
              5PM - 6:30PM BDT

Location: Your computer and/or your phone.

Costs: $200
You register on my online store and can pay via debit card, credit card or PayPal.  If you need to pay by personal check, please email me.  Discounts and payment plans are available. Email me or call 973-457-4147



Disclaimer: The Inner Year, The Inner Life and all Integrative Wisdom School programs and publications are not engaged in rendering any psychological or medical therapy or expertise. If any professional psychological or medical advice or expertise needed, the services of a licensed healthcare provider should be sought.


Lynn Jericho has been leading biography courses for 20 years. She is the developer and designer of the Imagine Self   programs: Inner Christmas, Inner Year, & Inner Life.  Learn more about Lynn here.

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